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Document and Entity Information Document and Entity Information Entity Listing
Financial Statements
Notes to Financial Statements
Business and Basis of Presentation
Significant Accounting Policies and Pronouncements
Impact of New Accounting Standard
Earnings Per Share
Future Policy Benefits
Policyholder Account Balances
Unpaid Claims and Claim Expense Short Duration Contracts
Market Risk Benefits
Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs
Derivative Instruments
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities
Income Tax
Employee Benefit Plans
Financial Condition and Net Income on a Statutory Basis - Significant Subsidiaries
Commitments Contingencies and Guarantees
Segment Information
Equity Based Compensation
New Accounting Standards Not Yet Adopted
Quarterly Results of Operations
Summary of Investments Other Than Investments in Related Parties
Condensed Financial Information of The Registrant
Supplementary Insurance Information
Supplemental Schedule of Reinsurance
Valuation and Qualifying Accounts
Pay vs Performance Disclosure
Insider Trading Arrangements
Accounting Policies
Significant Accounting Policies and Pronouncements (Policies)
Notes Tables
Impact of New Accounting Standard (Tables)
Earnings Per Share (Tables)
Future Policy Benefits (Tables)
Policyholder Account Balances (Tables)
Unpaid Claims and Claim Expense Short Duration Contracts (Tables)
Market Risk Benefits (Tables)
Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs (Tables)
Reinsurance (Tables)
Investments (Tables)
Derivative Instruments (Tables)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Tables)
Income Tax (Tables)
Employee Benefit Plans (Tables)
Financial Condition and Net Income on a Statutory Basis - Significant Subsidiaries (Tables)
Commitments Contingencies and Guarantees (Tables)
Debt (Tables)
Segment Information (Tables)
Equity (Tables)
Equity Based Compensation (Tables)
Quarterly Results of Operations (Tables)
Summary of Investments Other Than Investments in Related Parties (Tables)
Condensed Financial Information of The Registrant (Tables)
Supplementary Insurance Information (Tables)
Supplemental Schedule of Reinsurance (Tables)
Valuation and Qualifying Accounts (Tables)
Notes Details
Significant Accounting Policies and Pronouncements (Narrative) (Details)
Significant Accounting Policies and Pronouncements (Intangible Assets) (Narrative) (Details)
Significant Accounting Policies and Pronouncements (New Accounting Pronouncements) (Narrative) (Details)
Impact of New Accounting Standard (Balance Sheet) (Details)
Impact of New Accounting Standard (Income Statement) (Details)
Impact of New Accounting Standard (Shareholders Equity) (Details)
Impact of New Accounting Standard (Comp Income) (Details)
Impact of New Accounting Standard (Impact at Adoption) (Details)
Impact of New Accounting Standard (Impact by Segment) (Details)
Impact of New Accounting Standard (Policyholder Benefits) (Details)
Impact of New Accounting Standard (Market Risk Benefits) (Details)
Impact of New Accounting Standard (Future Policy Benefits) (Details)
Impact of New Accounting Standard (DAC) (Details)
Impact of New Accounting Standard (Narrative) (Details)
Earnings Per Share (Schedule of Earnings Per Share Basic and Diluted) (Details)
Future Policy Benefits (Details)
Future Policy Benefits (Undiscounted and Discounted) (Details)
Future Policy Benefits (Premiums and Interest) (Details)
Future Policy Benefits (Assumption Explanations) (Details)
Future Policy Benefits (Details) (Narrative)
Policyholder Account Balances (Account Balances) (Details)
Policyholder Account Balances (Guaranteed Minimum) (Details)
Unpaid Claims and Claim Expense Short Duration Contracts (Claims Development) (Details)
Unpaid Claims and Claim Expense Short Duration Contracts (Schedule of Historical Claims Duration) (Details)
Unpaid Claims and Claim Expense Short Duration Contracts (Reconciliation of Claims Development to Liability) (Details)
Unpaid Claims and Claim Expense Short Duration Contracts (Rollforward of Claims and Claim Adjustment Expense) (Details)
Market Risk Benefits (Details)
Market Risk Benefits (Instrument Specific Credit Risk) (Details)
Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs (Movement Analysis Of Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs) (Details)
Reinsurance Reinsurance (Ceded Reinsurance Receivable Assets) (Details)
Reinsurance (Effect of Reinsurance on Net Premiums and Claims and Other Policy Benefits) (Details)
Reinsurance (Effect of Reinsurance on Life Insurance In Force) (Details)
Reinsurance (Funds Withheld) (Details)
Reinsurance (Narrative) (Details)
Investments (Investments in Fixed Maturity and Equity Securities Available-for-Sale by Sector) (Details)
Investments (Fixed Maturity Securities Pledged And Received As Collateral) (Details)
Investments (Exposure To Concentrations Of Credit Risk) (Details)
Investments (Amortized Cost and Fair Value of Fixed Maturities by Contractual Maturities) (Details)
Investments (Amortized Cost and Fair Value of Fixed Maturity Holdings by Industry Type) (Details)
Investments (Credit Losses Recognized in Earnings on Fixed Maturity Securities Held by the Company) (Details)
Investments (Fair Value and Losses by Investment Category and Length of Time in a Loss Position) (Details)
Investments (Investment Income Net of Related Expenses) (Details)
Investments (Investment Related Gains (Losses) Net) (Details)
Investments (Borrowed Securities Repurchased Securities And Repurchased Reversed Repurchased Securities) (Details)
Investments (Securities Pledged as Collateral Related to Repurchase Reverse Repurchase Program) (Details)
Investments (Mortgage Loans by Property Type) (Details)
Investments (Mortgage Loans by Maturity Date) (Details)
Investments (Mortgage Loans by Credit Quality Indicator) (Details)
Investments (Internal Credit Quality Indicators) (Details)
Investments, Debt and Equity Securities (Age Analysis of Past Due Recorded Investments) (Details)
Investments (Loan Valuation Allowance for Mortgage Loans) (Details)
Investments (Limited Partnerships and Real Estate Joint Ventures) (Details)
Investments (Other Invested Assets) (Details)
Investments (Narrative) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Gross Notional Amount and Fair Value of Derivatives Contracts) (Details)
Derivative Instruments Derivative Instruments (Fair Value Hedge Attributable to Foreign Currency) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Current Period Cash Flow Hedges in AOCI (loss) before Taxes) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Cash Flow Hedges) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Hedges of Net Investments in Foreign Operations) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Non Hedging Derivatives and Embedded Derivatives Effect on Income Statement) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Exposure from Credit Derivatives by Rating of the Underlying Credits) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Derivative Instruments Offsetting Balance Sheet) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Narrative) (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Balances of Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis) (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Quantitative Information for Level 3 Inputs) (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Changes in Level 3 Assets and Liabilities) (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Financial Instruments where Carrying Amounts and Fair Values May Differ) (Details)
Income Tax (Pre-tax Income Foreign and Domestic) (Details)
Income Tax (Provision for Income Tax Expense) (Details)
Income Tax (Provision for Income Tax Expense Computed from Statutory Rate to Pre-tax Income) (Details)
Income Tax (Total Income Taxes Provided) (Details)
Income Tax (Tax Effects of Temporary Differences that Give Rise to Significant Portions of the Deferred Income Tax Asset and Liabilities) (Details)
Income Tax (Net Operating Loss Carryforward) (Details)
Income Tax (Reconciliation of the Amount of Unrecognized Tax Benefits) (Details)
Income Tax (Narrative) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Schedule of Changes in Projected Benefit Obligations) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Schedule of Changes in Fair Value of Plan Assets) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Schedule of Net Funded Status) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Schedule of Amounts Recognized in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Schedule of Projected Benefit Obligations in Excess of Fair Value of Plan Assets) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Schedule of Accumulated Benefit Obligations in Excess of Fair Value of Plan Assets) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Components of Net Periodic Benefit Cost Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Schedule of Expected Future Benefit Payments) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Schedule of Assumptions Used Calculating Benefit Obligations) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Schedule of Health Care Costs Trend Rates) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Schedule of Allocation of Plan Assets) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Narrative) (Details)
Financial Condition and Net Income on a Statutory Basis - Significant Subsidiaries (Statutory Accounting Practices Disclosure) (Details)
Financial Condition and Net Income on a Statutory Basis - Significant Subsidiaries (Reconciliation of NAIC SAP and Prescribed Practice) (Details)
Financial Condition and Net Income on a Statutory Basis - Significant Subsidiaries (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments Contingencies and Guarantees (Commitments to Fund Investments) (Details)
Commitments Contingencies and Guarantees (Maximum Potential Obligation) (Details)
Commitments Contingencies and Guarantees (Narrative) (Details)
Debt (Schedule of Long-term Debt Instruments) (Details)
Debt (Repayments of Debt) (Details)
Debt (Schedule of Line of Credit Facilities) (Details) (Details)
Debt (Senior Note Offering) (Narrative) (Details)
Debt (Narrative) (Details)
Segment Information (Reconciliation of Revenue from Segments to Consolidated) (Details)
Segment Information (Reconciliation of Income before Income Taxes from Segments to Consolidated) (Details)
Segment Information (Reconciliation of Interest Expense from Segments to Consolidated) (Details)
Segment Information (Reconciliation of Depreciation and Amortization from Segment to Consolidated) (Details)
Segment Information (Reconciliation of Assets from Segment to Consolidated) (Details)
Equity (Common Stock Changes in Number of Shares Issued, Held in Treasury and Oustanding) (Details)
Equity (Share Repurchase Program) (Details)
Equity (Components of Other Comprehensive Income) (Details)
Equity (Components of Net Unrealized Appreciation Depreciation of Balances Carried at Fair Value) (Details)
Equity (Balance of and Changes in Each Component of AOCI) (Details)
Equity (Schedule of Reclassifications out of AOCI) (Details)
Equity (Narrative) (Details)
Equity Based Compensation (Disclosure of Share-based Compensation Arrangements by Share-based Payment Award) (Details)
Equity Based Compensation (Disclosure of Share-based Compensation Shares Authorized under Stock Option Plans by Exercise Price Range) (Details)
Equity Based Compensation (Weighted Average Assumptions) (Details)
Equity Based Compensation (Summary of Performance Contingent Unit Activity) (Details)
Equity Based Compensation (Narrative) (Details)
Quarterly Results of Operations (Details)
Summary of Investments Other Than Investments in Related Parties (Details)
Condensed Financial Information of The Registrant (Details)
Supplementary Insurance Information (Details)
Supplemental Schedule of Reinsurance (Details)
Valuation and Qualifying Accounts (Details)
All Reports