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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Notes to Financial Statements
Business and Basis of Presentation
Earnings Per Share
Equity Based Compensation
Derivative Instruments
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities
Segment Information
Commitments, Contingencies and Guarantees
Income Tax
Employee Benefit Plans
New Accounting Standards
Notes Tables
Earnings Per Share (Tables)
Equity (Tables)
Investments (Tables)
Derivative Instruments (Tables)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Tables)
Segment Information (Tables)
Commitments, Contingencies and Guarantees (Tables)
Income Tax (Tables)
Employee Benefit Plans (Tables)
Reinsurance (Tables)
Notes Details
Earnings Per Share (Reconciliation of the Numerators and Denominators of the Basic and Diluted Per Shares) (Details)
Earnings Per Share (Narrative) (Details)
Equity (Common Stock Changes In Number of Shares Issued, Held In Treasury and Outstanding) (Details)
Equity (Balance of and Changes in Each Component of AOCI) (Details)
Equity (Balance of and Changes in Each Component of AOCI) (Footnote) (Details)
Equity (Schedule of Reclassifications out of AOCI) (Details)
Equity (Narrative) (Details)
Equity Based Compensation (Narrative) (Details)
Investments (Investments in Fixed Maturity and Equity Securities Available-for-Sale by Sector) (Details)
Investments (Fixed Maturity Securities Pledged And Received As Collateral) (Details)
Investments (Exposure To Concentrations Of Credit Risk) (Details)
Investments (Amortized Cost and Fair Value of Fixed Maturities by Contractual Maturities) (Details)
Investments (Amortized Cost and Fair Value of Fixed Maturity Holdings by Industry Type) (Details)
Investments (Credit Losses Recognized in Earnings on Fixed Maturity Securities Held by the Company) (Details)
Investments (Fair Value Below Amortized Cost of Gross Unrealized Losses for Fixed Maturity and Equity Securities) (Details)
Investments (Fair Value and Losses by Investment Category and Length of Time in a Loss Position) (Details)
Investments (Investment Income Net of Related Expenses) (Details)
Investments (Investment Related Gains (Losses) Net) (Details)
Investments (Borrowed Securities Repurchased Securities And Repurchased Reversed Repurchased Securities) (Details)
Investments (Securities Pledged as Collateral Related to Repurchase Reverse Repurchase Program) (Details)
Investments (Mortgage Loans by Property Type) (Details)
Investments (Mortgage Loans by Maturity Date) (Details)
Investments (Mortgage Loans by Credit Quality Indicator) (Details)
Investments (Age Analysis of Past Due Recorded Investments) (Details)
Investments (Mortgage Loans by Method of Evaluation and Related Valuation Allowances) (Details)
Investments (Loan Valuation Allowance for Mortgage Loans) (Details)
Investments (Impaired Mortgage Loans) (Details)
Investments (Other Invested Assets) (Details)
Investments (Narrative) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Gross Notional Amount and Fair Value of Derivatives Contracts) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Derivative Instruments Offsetting Balance Sheet) (Details)
Derivative Instruments Derivative Instruments (Fair Value Hedge Attributable to Foreign Currency) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Current Period Cash Flow Hedges in AOCI (loss) before Taxes) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Cash Flow Hedges) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Hedges of Net Investments in Foreign Operations) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Non Hedging Derivatives and Embedded Derivatives Effect on Income Statement) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Exposure from Credit Derivatives by Rating of the Underlying Credits) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Changes in Estimated Fair Value Related to Embedded Derivatives) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Credit Exposure of Derivative Contracts) (Details)
Derivative Instruments (Narrative) (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Balances of Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis) (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Quantitative Information for Level 3 Inputs) (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Fair Value Assets Transfers between Level 1 and Level 2) (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Changes in Level 3 Assets and Liabilities) (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Fair Value Assets Measured on Non-Recurring Basis) (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Financial Instruments where Carrying Amounts and Fair Values May Differ) (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Narrative) (Details)
Segment Information (Total Revenues of Reportable Segments) (Details)
Segment Information (Income Loss Before Provision for Income Tax of Reportable Segments) (Details)
Segment Information (Total Assets of Reportable Segments) (Details)
Commitments, Contingencies and Guarantees (Commitments to Fund Investments) (Details)
Commitments, Contingencies and Guarantees (Maximum Potential Obligation) (Details)
Commitments, Contingencies and Guarantees (Guarantees Issued) (Details)
Income Tax (Provision for Income Tax Expense) (Details)
Income Tax Income Tax (Narrative) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Defined Benefit Plans Disclosure) (Details)
Employee Benefit Plans (Narrative) (Details)
Reinsurance (Ceded Reinsurance Receivable Assets) (Details)
Reinsurance (Narrative) (Details)
New Accounting Standards New Accounting Standards (Narrative) (Details)
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